Where have I been?
You may well ask..............
But first.............
Thank you so much my dear Bloggeroos for your kind get well messages for my dear Daddio following his minor stroke.
He now thinks he's a celebrity!
First......he gets a full colour pic of himself in our local paper. (Giving a donation to the British Heart Foundation - the money was raised at Mum and Dad's 60th wedding anniversary.)
And now..........he's been told about the comments left for him on my blog.
DAD: Wow! What you mean the worldwide web really IS worldwide?
ME: Yes, Daddio.
DAD: So, there are people all over the world know about me?
ME: Yes, Daddio.
He now imagines that he'll be invited to take part in...............

Celebrity Big Brother.....................

I'm a Celebrity Get me Out of Here!
or, at the very least.................

Strictly Come Dancing................
Admittedly, he's a real whizz on the dancefloor............

Mum and Dad...................Dad with his "Girlfriend" Janet.
And.........as he has mentioned to us all on numerous occasions,
he's 8 months younger than Bruce Forsyth!

(He looks like Brucie too, without his specs!)
Daddio continues to make improvement.
He is flirting with the District Nurse and the Physio Lady, who see him at home.
The Physio Lady wanted to see how he managed outside and walked with him the 500 yards to the local shop.
He was so pleased to be seen by all in the neighbourhood walking along the main road with a young woman on his arm!
Mumsie was pleased with the twenty minutes peace!
My postings will be a bit hit and miss for a while.
I'm in the process of sorting out an income tax return............groan.
I'm also visiting my youngest son and his family.
My granddaughter is 5, so I'll be partying up there, too!
And, speaking of family..........
My other son managed to snap this piccy when everyone was in Lincoln for Mum and Dad's Party last month.

Four of their six great grandchildren!
(The first three are my grandkids, the fourth is my great nephew.)
Right, then...........
Back to the paperwork.........

See you all soooon!
So pleased your Dad is feeling better and improving by the day. You've such a great sense on humour - shining through no matter how upset you must have been. You're a real treasure!
So glad lovely Daddy Dollytub is on the mend and relishing his new-found cause celebre!!He really is a star. Those grandchildren of yours are just too cute! Aren`t they entertaining at that age?Mine`s gives me so much joy, I can`t tell you. I`m getting to keep her overnight at the weekend and I just love it in the morning when I hear her little soft voice calling for her Nana!How can people be cruel to children, Sue? I`ll never understand that.
Good luck with your dreaded tax return.
So glad that your Dad is on the road to recovery. Good luck with the tax return.
Jo xx
Ah Daddy Dollytub, what a treasure, and so are you, lovely to see you back, have fun with your granddaughter.
And will see you when you are back after your party and tax.
x Sandi`
Great to hear that your dad is on the mend and will soon have his dancing shoes back on, but tellhim a soft shoe shuffle is probably the best dance for a little while,
Enjoy your time with the grandbabies, they are adorable.
aww lovely pics wishing everyone well x
There are certainly a lot more details to take into consideration, but thanks for sharing this post.
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