I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for Christmas.
The thought of spending all that money brings me out in a cold sweat.
I'm what you might call frugal.
(For 'frugal' read 'tightwad'!)
Following my previous post............
You'll be pleased to know that my chair has now been removed from my neighbours roof!
As I said, the people round here can be a bit of a weird bunch, to say the least!
But, every year, they spare no expense when it comes to decorating the outside of their homes ready for Christmas.
One of my neighbours stopped me the other day.

(This lady was at the same school as the late Mr Dollytub. He always referred to her as "Mrs Pilbury", can't think why!)

(She was very popular with many of the lads at school, apparently.)
"I've not seen you for ages," she said, munching her way through a huge packet of marshmallows.
"D'ya wommt womm?" she said, offering the bag.
"No thanks. I'm gonna have me tea soon." I said.
I reeeeaaalllly don't like talking to this woman.
For those who know me personally - this is the neighbour who coincidently had a huge Christmas tree in her porch last year. This was around the same time that "someone" jumped into my garden and chopped down one of my fir trees.

"What were you doin' the other day over the road?" she asked.
(Oh damn! It would have to be HER who had seen me!)
Without giving me chance to answer, she said,
"I thought you were 'elping with their exterior Christmas decorations."
"You don't decorate the outside of your place do you?" she asked accusingly.
I heaved a big sigh, "Look, I really don't have time to gossip. Anyway, even if I could physically climb about up there, I wouldn't join in."

"Why's that then?" she probed.
I knew she wouldn't go without further information. I told her,
"Because you're all like a bunch of little boys in a peeing contest. Each trying to outdo the other!"
(Although I don't think I said 'peeing', ooops!)
I thought the remark went completely over her head.
She looked at her watch, quickly said "Cheers, must go!", and ran into her house.
Later that night, as I drove back from Sainsbury's down the avenue, I realised the contest had already started.
Outside "Mrs Pilbury's" house, I saw...................

I don't think ANYONE will top that!
I've just been looking on AMAZON for a recipe book for my sister's present.
I'm not sure about this one, though.........................

Don't forget to pop back, will you?