Hello my dear Bloggeroos!
Last time I posted, you may remember that I was about to tackle all the clutter in my dining room. This was stuff that was formerly stacked in a (very) small room at the bottom of my stairs. (I call this room the "ex-toilet" owing to the original use of this space years ago.)
This was necessary to make some space for my recent freezer acquisition.
I'm sure you can imagine just how much clutter there was, as I've not been around Blogland for ages!
Where did I get all this rubbish?
Did fairies and elves shove unwanted items in there?

I was obviously elsewhere, counting my money, eating Waggon Wheels, or sorting out the vowels in my Alphabet Soup?
Well............it's NOT THERE NOW!
OMG, I haven't been so miserable since I worked in the Clock Factory.............

....when all I did was make faces all day :O)
Some of the things I've chucked out included..............
1. Two huge piles of newspapers. (Isn't that terrible about President Kennedy getting shot?)

2. Thirty two various TV Guides. (I see Elsie Tanner's got married again.)

I did keep a couple of my favourite Radio Times tho'

aaah....be still my beating heart!
4. An application form for the TV show "Hoarders."

5. Sixty seven cardboard boxes that I was SURE would come in useful some day
6. A book called "How to Make Furniture from Cardboard" (Maybe I should have kept it.)

7.My David Cassidy poster

I wondered where that'd got to!
8. A huge pile of clothes in sizes 8, 10, 12 and 14......

Needless to say I kept the size 16 and 18!
Sometimes you just have to be a realist :O(
9. A leaflet about a Night Class "How to be Organised." (Printed in 1995.)
I wonder if they still run this?
I am so pleased with myself, I've decide to reward myself with a little jaunt to the seaside with my lovely boys, their gorgeous wives, and my four scrummy grandchildren.
See you all soon...........

There you are, you feel better already, a good declutter always makes you feel good. Now I really should practice what I preach.
Now you've done yours would you like to come and do mine.......?
Julie xxxxxxxx
My home sounds exactly like yours. I need a serious decluttering session.
Hmmm I wonder if I've still got posters of David Cassidy lurking about in the loft. I used to love watching him in the Partridge Family on TV as a kid.
I need a helper too. Got the window men coming next week and the 'back room' which is sort of our loft as we have bedrooms up there looks like a bomb has hit it and there is only a corridor down the middle. Trouble is over half of it belongs to our kids!! No idea where i am going to move it to. Wish me luck.
PS could have done with your boxes for my Ebay sales!!
You think that's bad? I had 32 years of attic c-ap to wade through! I've done most of it, but can't face the final assult yet. Don't you feel better when it's done though!
Are you sure you didn't accidently wander into my house??
Haha! Highly entertained by your blog (what does that say about my life then?). Loved the baking day, and that picture of David Cassidy took me back.. a guilty pleasure watching the Partridge Family after school!
You can come round and do my lounge! Lol
Hope you had a lovely time with your family and that the elves and pixies haven't refilled your cupboard and buried your freezer! Xx
I remember that David Cassidy poster! Warning major nostalgia attack....Wickenby Disco in the Co-Op hall Saturday nights
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